Here I'll let my ideas run amok, and express my views on International Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, Business Development, Tech and more stuff down that dark alley...

11 November, 2005

Social Process Re-Engineering

This idea was initially spawned in my mind at the conference "New Media Days" in Copenhagen. I plan to develop more on it, but thought I'd like to feed my blog with some initial thoughts:

Social process re-engineering is the restructuring of social (and cultural) processes via new knowledge and technology, with an aim of achieving both higher efficiency and effectiveness, meaning saving on resources and time, whereby the (net) yield of these processes is optimised. In brief adding value to social processes.

From my post: The Media of The Young
Social process re-engineering is thus how social processes may purposely be simplified, re-configured, re-invented by means of new technology and new media. The purpose should then be that important socio-cultural processes can be made less costly (in terms of e.g. money, time, and psychological factors) and even more enriching (in terms of e.g. convenience, greater social interaction, more efficient use of resources). The expression is inspired by Michael Hammer's theory of "Business Process re-engineering" (read obvious “rip-off”), but the concept as I see it, deal with fundamentally different processes: processes in society outside of the corporate sphere.

This can - and should be - a business. Opportunities lie ahead for realising the potential in this way of thinking, but carrying out such business will demand:
- New innovative business models
- Deeper insight into subjects lige "Social Marketing" and "Hedonomics"

I will try to develop much further on the notion of Social process re-engineering, until then I suggest you have a look at its sisters and brothers.

Social Marketing and Hedonomics are in my opinion closely related to Social process re-engineering. Here are a few relevant links to articles about these subjects:

- The Human Factors of Pleasure..., by Barry H. Beith, Ph.D.
- Hail, hedonomics..., by Christopher Fildes

Social Marketing

...gimme a day or two, to find that article ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Las Vegas. I was doing research on meeting facilitator and came across your site Blogger. The title Social Process Re-Engineering attracked me. This is good reading, I'll pass it on to my girlfriend. She likes this kind of stuff. If you or any of your readers can help or offer information on meeting facilitator let me know. Glad I ran into your inspiration. I like to read blogs for creative ideas and themes. I get a lot of good ideas for acting. Thanks again for your time. Keep it up.

20 December, 2005 18:46


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