Here I'll let my ideas run amok, and express my views on International Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, Business Development, Tech and more stuff down that dark alley...

01 December, 2006

What Flies, and What Dies?

I needed to save these thoughts somewhere...

Seeding must ideally happen on select websites where the level of interest in the given "information" (could be anything: video, pics, story) is (extremely) high, but the available amount of such information is (extremely) scarce. This implies that the information in question under normal conditions cannot be readily available via the websites that the consumers of such information frequent (such as the campaigning company's own website). The combination of great demand for the information (within a certain group of people) and the scarcety of the same, will spark 'key influentials' to spread the information virally through their networks. Their motivation is reinforced status within the specific network. And because the information is passed on by these 'key influentials' the receiver will believe it, and re-distribute the information through their network, and so on. This goes for both naughty funny clip as well as the date for when the next microPowerMac will be in stores.